10 Things You should Know About Yeast Infections

Every woman dreads and the symptoms that follow. Constant itching, burning sensations, a vagina that looks and feels swollen are just some of the aggravating symptoms.

There is also a certain degree of embarrassment involved at having to see a doctor about a problem with their privates. Most women would rather endure a root canal procedure because it’s feels less intrusive.

Despite the fact that most women will experience at least 1 yeast infection in their lifetime, most of them only have a rudimentary understanding of what a yeast infection is. To them, it is just an annoying fungus that is making life very uncomfortable.

There are a few facts that you should know about yeast infections. This knowledge will help you understand the problem and you can take preventive and corrective measures that will alleviate the condition. If it persists please seek medical advice as this article is only designed to assist to be a medical diagnosis.

  1. 75% of women will experience yeast infections at least once in their lifetime. You’re not alone. If you have a yeast infection, there is no need to feel embarrassed or worry that your doctor may throw up. It’s a common condition that they would have treated many times.
  2. Yeast infections are exasperating and cause discomfort. However, it is a condition that can be treated and it’s not harmful.
  3. Yeast infections are much more common in women than men. However, about 15% of men do get yeast infections. In many cases, they contracted it from a woman during sexual intercourse… which brings us to the next point.
  4. Yeast infections are not sexually transmitted diseases… but they can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. That is why it is best to refrain from sexual intercourse when you’re having a yeast infection.
  5. Common treatment for the condition typically involves the use of antifungal creams, powders with antifungal properties and in some cases oral medications such as Fluconazole.
  6. A that is high in sugar can make you more susceptible to yeast infections.
  7. Stress, lack of sleep, consuming too much antibiotics, hormonal changes during pregnancy or menstruation, uncontrolled diabetes, douching are all factors that cause yeast infections. Long-term illnesses and diseases that lower one’s immune system are also causes of yeast infection.
  8. They can be prevented and cured using holistic methods. Women with recurring infections will benefit from recording their and daily activities so that they can isolate the trigger which is causing the yeast infection to rear its ugly head. Once the trigger is isolated and eliminated, in most cases, the problem will be permanently solved.
  9. Yeast infections can occur in your mouth (thrush) or moist parts of the body. The Candida fungus thrives in warm and wet conditions. While the vagina and mouth can never be made completely dry, other parts of your body such as your inner thighs and armpits should be kept as dry as possible.
  10. Consumption of plain yoghurt which contains lactobaccilus acidophilus which is a good bacteria, will help to keep yeast in the body in check and hamper the growth of the fungus.

These are just a few facts about yeast infections. You should do your best to learn whatever you can about this condition and other such problems we suffer as woment. Click here to find what Dr. Carl Bamlet and his team have to say about how we can look after ourselves better.

Here are some tips to prevent yeast infections, all easy to adopt and follow. With a few simple practices, you may reduce the possibility of another yeast infection.

Woman Laughing

  • Eat plain yoghurt daily. The good bacteria in the yoghurt is known as lactobacillus acidophilus and it will keep the yeast levels in your body in check and prevent the overgrowth of the Candida fungus.
  • Make sure your is healthy and wholesome. Avoid processed foods and sugary foods. You will be shocked at how processed sugar sneaks into most foods even if they don’t taste sweet. A high in sugar will encourage the growth of the Candida bacteria.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing whenever you can. If you’re in tight pants, leggings, pantyhose, etc. your genital region will not have much air circulation. The yeast bacteria thrive in places that are warm and moist. By wearing loose clothing, you will make conditions harder for the bacteria to build up.
  • Make sure your clothes are dry as often as you can. If you workout, make sure you do not sit around in your wet sweaty clothes for too long. The same applies if you go swimming. A wet swimsuit or bikini will be exactly what the yeast bacteria wished for Christmas.
  • If you have a tendency to get yeast infections, try not to take hot showers, use saunas or sit in a hot tub. As mentioned earlier, the bacteria thrive in heat. So, stay cool.
  • Do not spray feminine deodorant or use scented sanitary pads or tampons. You do not know what the active ingredients in the scents are and they just might throw the balance off in your vagina.
  • Do not douche yourself. Medical research has proven that it does more harm than good and raises the risk of many infections and complication.
  • During your menstrual cycle, change your pads and tampons frequently to discourage bacteria from having a party in your vagina without your knowledge. Good hygiene will deter the growth of bacteria. Period. No pun intended.
  • Lastly, do stick to clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton, silk or linen. If you wear latex pants often, you’re setting yourself up for potential yeast infections.

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